This dish was on constant replay when Tessa and Aidan were little. They had the most awesome nanny from the Philippines named Lorna that not only lovingly cared for them but cooked them a version of this meal usually with chicken, on repeat! We never thought to try to recreate it as it was Lorna's special dish but when she moved to Australia this year we felt like we should give it a go. This version is made in an Instant Pot (which we love) and it couldn't be more simple. It's not exactly Lorna's Adobo but if we do say for ourselves, it's still pretty delicious! Feel free to try it in a slow cooker or in a large cast iron pot on the stovetop as well.

Serves 4 Total time: 1hr
Cooking time: 45 mins
1 1/2 pounds pork shoulder, cut into 1x1 cubes, see note
2 tablespoons oil 3 cloves garlic, minced
1 onion, diced
3 bay leaves
10-12 black peppercorns 1/3 cup soy sauce
1 tsp brown sugar 1/2 cup white vinegar
3/4 cup water
2 tbsp cornstarch
note: make sure you have 1 1/2 lbs after meat is trimmed from bone and fat is removed.
Turn Instant Pot onto sauté mode. Add oil and onions and stir until translucent. Add garlic and stir for 1 min or until fragrant. Next add pork, and the remainder of the ingredients making sure the pork is completed immersed in liquid. You can use more or less water depending. Set pot to Pressure Cook, High, for 30 mins. Once done, let steam vent naturally for 15 mins. With a slotted spoon, remove meat from sauce and set pot to Sauté. Mix cornstarch with 2 tbsp water and add to sauce to thicken. Heat sauce for about 10 mins until reduced. Add meat back into pot to keep warm. Serve pork adobo with steamed rice and top with sliced green onion and more sauce.
Mahal kita, xx2DA
